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Forum Posts

Incoming & outgoing calls not possible; membership issues?

I went on holiday, after returning had initially no problem. Soon after, was not able to make or receive calls (or use the internet) with it saying I needed a new membership, though I had still half a month of it left. Possible membership issues? Or ...

Message not sending to 57557

Just wondering why my messages to entering the cash machine (57557) is not sending. I’ve bought credit and just saying sending failed

Can't text paid (premium SMS/5xxxx) number

Hi, Im trying to text a paid number and my texts no longer work, obviously because I have run out of money or something. My account says I have unlimeted calls and text still and non-paid texts work fine. So thinking its a money issue, I topped up my...

Want to cancel plan and start new one

Hi, I am abroad in EU and my data has ran out. I have bought another €7.99 plan which is due to start in 2 days time. I thought it would start immediately, so I would have another 10GB data to use in EU, but instead it says it won’t start until 29/7....