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Need Help With Your Service?

Having trouble getting online? If you’ve just joined us, or have a new phone, you may need to update your settings.   Why waste time entering all the settings manually when it could just take you a few clicks! You can get all the settings you need vi...

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Getting an error message when trying to buy membership

  There are a few different errors that can come up when you're trying to buy membership. Have a look below and see if you can figure it out: Remember, when getting in touch with the care crew about an error message, you'll need to include the error....

dc888 by Crew (retired)
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Getting an error message when trying to buy membership

  There are a few different errors that can come up when you're trying to buy membership. Have a look below and see if you can figure it out: Remember, when getting in touch with the care crew about an error message, you'll need to include the error....

dc888 by Crew (retired)
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You took too much money

  If you tried to pay your membership and were overcharged, chances are that you’ve accidentally bought more memberships that you meant to.     When you buy a membership it is “queued” in your account and will only kick in once your current membershi...

dc888 by Crew (retired)
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My membership started today, but I didn’t get my minutes

  If your existing membership is due to expire today it will not run out until close to midnight.   So say your membership is set to expire today it will only expire between 10 PM and 11.59 PM.  If you have bought a new membership today it will be "q...

dc888 by Crew (retired)
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I bought my membership - why can't I call or text?

  Like everything there is always a smple explaination.  I've fairly sure if you check below you'll understand what's happening.       Has your membership expired yet?   More InfoIf you’ve bought a new membership and you’re not able to call or text, ...

dc888 by Crew (retired)
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What is the difference between membership and top up?

    In order to get your calls/texts/internet to work, topping up is not enough; you’ll need to convert the top up into membership. 48 have memberships which are bundles of calls, texts and internet. You’ll need to buy a membership each month to have...

dc888 by Crew (retired)
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Bought membership - can't call/text

This one crops up repeatedly so I thought that I'd do a FAQ on it...      I just bought a new membership but still can't make calls/send texts/use the internet. Why?     The most common reason is that you have a current membership in place, it has no...

dalyer by The Legend
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No Service

  On the odd occasion your network connection may drop.  Most of the time this can be fixed by following a few simple steps.     Can you try a restart of your phone? Just switch the phone off for 30 seconds and restart again.  That should be the firs...

dc888 by Crew (retired)
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