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Forum Posts

Membership expiry notification only comes after expiration

Today I find myself 200 K away from home and try to use my phone to no avail. I see a decent 4Bars and presume it's something local and give up. Later I connect via WIFI and see an email telling me my plan has expired, not will expire in 24 hrs or su...

kevin45 by Newcomer
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RESOLVED (21/10/2024 PROBLEMS with auto-renewals/purchases)

My plan wasn't renewed today Edited by @dalyer... (@dima24 - I hope you don't mind but I thought that it might help others to highlight this information at the top of the thread). Thanks to @AaronS6679 for posting this:

2024-10-21 10 51 05.png
dima24 by Newcomer
  • 28 replies
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