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Forum Posts

No conection to network

My friend and myself are away in lanzortote no conection to any network the phone keeps saying searching I bought eu romming add ons and just topped up before i went away I'm here for a week and unless without my phone please help ?

mhal95 by Newcomer
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international minutes not working

Hi. I just paid €3.50 for international minutes. When i call an o2 number in Northern Ireland i get the message saying I have no minutes. In my 48 it says they are there. Any ideas.

"Security Limitations"

I'm trying to put credit on my account but it keeps saying I can't due to "security limitations". What does that mean and what do I do?

eson by Newcomer
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Internet issues

I have had difficulties accessing my internet for the past two months. It was working fine before then so i thought it was a problem with the phone. I bought a new phone last week and even though i followed the configeration settings on the website a...

Resolved! unlocking my phone

Hi i just changed to 48 but my phone was locked to meteor. So i rang up meteor and asked them can i have the code to unlock my phone but since i changed to 48 first they said they cant give it to me? They said i need to ring 48's customer care and th...

can you use top up credit for Internet?

My 1gb of data has ran.out and I was wondering is it possible to top up with credit and to start using your Internet eg. Facebook, bbm etc without buying an add.on just a.top up