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Forum Posts

network down ?

I cant seem to send texts or calls and topped up this morning, have had no problem till now.....anybody else having same problem ?


I haven't used my 48 sim in a few months and my account is suspended but I can't top up. Can I activate it?


I wanted to change my membership so topped up and bought a new one. It says it won't be active until my current membership runs out. Is there anyway of cancelling my current to start my new one?

internet not working

hi, my phones mobile internet hasnt been working the last month and a half i topped up last month and still didnt work.it say its switched on but there no icon up on home screen and it dosent work.im due to top up today!just wondering is there anythi...

etaf by Newcomer
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Trying to connect my phone to web

I have put in the settings from hlep files on this site but I still cant' get any web data outside of wifi, what am I doing wrong? I have a Nexus 5, I have followed instructions to the T but still can't get data I have also turn on roma data, Help!

w4nn13 by Newcomer
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Changing my number

I accidentally activated my sim, not realising I had to wait to be able to change my number. I was just wondering what do I do now?? I really need my old number with work. Please help please !!

coops by Newcomer
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Resolved! Problem with 3G

This evening while using my 3G, it stopped working and has remained like this since. I still have a 3G "connection" but it says it's unable to connect. I have plenty of my allowance left and haven't changed any settings. Can anyone shed some light as...

Resolved! I-messaging

Hey I have a new no. with 48 but my IPhone 5 wont register it for imessaging. I have done everything aside from reinstalling the software. I think it may require an international text or something because it says it when I turn it on initially. Cheer...

Anon by Not applicable
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Data enquiry

I am receiving the calls and texts but I amny getting the Internet. I have looked up how to do activate it in my settings and tried several times but it won't work. How do I fix it?