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Calls and texts arnt being received

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My calls and texts still arnt being received properly is there anything else you can do

@hollystafford wrote:
When people try to call me it says I'm unavailable


Hey There,


So hollystafford, can you Call/Text use Data? 


This is unusual - did your Phone work at all since changing to 48 or has it just occurred?  (Edited)


I have just seen you have previously posted it has has not worked since switching, odd that.


Is everything as it should on your 'My 48' page,  you don't  have any alert banner's/Notification message's there?


Smiley Happy

Not applicable
I tried everything you told me and its still not working

Not applicable
Still nothing's working

Not applicable
Iv tried everything you said

@hollystafford1 wrote:
Iv tried everything you said




Have you tried the sim in another handset??? Can you check if you can recieve text's/call's in that handset - any handset old or new will do...


This is quite important - it basically let's us know if  it's the Sim or The handset causing the problem's.


You will need to keep the sim in for a bit to test this properly.


Can you post back your finding's


Smiley Happy

Not applicable

I cant try the sim in another handset because i don't have another one to test it with sorry! Try putting your phone on roaming mode when you have it setup. When i first changed mine over i wasnt able to use my data to use the internet, but then i set the phone on to roaming and it worked so maybe you could try that 🙂


@marco994 wrote:

I can't try the sim in another handset because I don't have another one to test it with sorry! Try putting your phone on roaming mode when you have it setup. When I first changed mine over I wasn't able to use my data to use the internet, but then I set the phone on to roaming and it worked so maybe you could try that 🙂




I can't seem to decipher if you are answering as/for the person in the OP, or you are another user trying to advise, do you have two account's?


Smiley Happy

Not applicable
It's only vodaphone numbers that arnt getting through to me

You probably need to log a support query to ask 48 support to look into this for you:


How to get help


Hope this helps.

I am not a 48 employee - if you need to contact 48 support you can do so by chat, email ( or phone.