i got nominated on fb for the no make up selfie and i tried to send a donation via text but its coming back as unsuccessful. can anyone tell me why my donation wont go through?
My voicemail is giving me options is different languages, what's going on?
called a 1850 landline number but call was taken from my credit balance and not from the Guido "my landline minutes" which are still at 60
My membership ended this morn so I topped up by 20 and sent a txt to get the don deal. I can make calls and txts but my net is not through. I went to my 48 and there is a tick beside membership but says internet not paid. But my 20 credit was taken
i had to manually put the settings onto my phone for internet and mms and it says it was a success and my configuration has been sent, i havent yet received it and ive redone it three times and i still havent got the message. please help.
hi i registered my sim and wanted to keep my old num at 3 50pm today and its still saying transfer in progress i really need my phone tonight
hello hi to everyone~ i am new to the 48, first month. i am suffering service interrupt from the day i join 48, not every day but almost every week.the phone still shown the full bar of signals even with the internet connection icon but i just couln'...
I can't make calls or receive them- it's going straight to voicemail and also messages won't send??
Had all contacts saved to my 48 sim, moved it to an iPhone and all my contacts are now gone, how do I get them back?