Resolved! Payment Problem
Iv just joined 48 but can't pay membership due to 'technical issue'. Is anyone else experiencing this problem or have I done something wrong? Phone is working for incoming calls.thanks
Iv just joined 48 but can't pay membership due to 'technical issue'. Is anyone else experiencing this problem or have I done something wrong? Phone is working for incoming calls.thanks
Hello guys, I am living in Ireland, but, my phone is from Spain. So basically I need to type the country code (00353) to call somebody in Ireland. The thing is that I am trying to call Aer Lingus, and every time I get a voice message saying (you run ...
If so what are the additional charges?
When it rains my Internet doesn't work or sometimes is just pretty weak. Is this normal? Weird? Unusual? Is there something I can do to prevent it? My texts and calls are perfectly okay when it rains it's only my Internet that stops.
Apologies if this has been asked before but... If my membership runs out how long would it take before I would lose my number? Thanks
HeyI have had no service on my phone from 48 for the last two days now, is there an issue or can you check out to see the problem?
i requested to keep my own number but it still changed too the 089 number! how do i get my other number back? please help ?
Hi, I have my DON membership untill 23 of March, which includes internet.Yesterday i got a text from 48 saying your internet adds on will run out soon and today another text saying my internet has run out. On my profile on 48 website Ive still 5GB t...
Hi, I registered this morning, and started the process to keep my number ..They sent me the text with the special code at 10.49pm and I still have to email, and more even no signal now on my phone ! They say within two business hours between 10pm-4a...