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Forum Posts

3g not working

Hi, I am in Dublin 1 and my 3G has not been working all day. It will not connect at all. My configuration settings are correct and it has been working every day fine until today. I have an iphone 5s. Is this a known issue with the network? I really n...

Internet allowance gone following top up

Hi, I bought my membership again for this month 01/04/2015 and it was due to kick in today, €10 membership.When I log into "my 48" it shows that I have full internet availability, calls, etc. and everything looks fine.However, there is no internet ac...

No signal

Is the network down or is my sim messed up

griff08 by Newcomer
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Resolved! Roaming Internet

Hi, is there a way to buy an internet add-on for roaming, like we can with texts and calls? John.

jmaljnr by Newcomer
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3G not working

The 3G was working on my phone, but hasn't been for the last week or two. Yes, I do have the mobile data turned on! Any ideas? 

Resolved! Where has standard membership gone?

I have been a buying the standard membership since I joined 48 when they launched in Ireland.  My membership ran out today and I have tried to purchase the standard membership but the option is not available to me.  I have never bought any other meme...

sn by Newcomer
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Internet Settings for HomTom HT17 (Fusion 2)

Hi, I am having trouble getting mobile date on a new android Fusion 2. The tweeker will not work, it tell me my phone is a HomTom HT17, even though it is a Fusion 2. I have tried the generic setting to no avail. Please help!