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Forum Posts

Resolved! Where has standard membership gone?

I have been a buying the standard membership since I joined 48 when they launched in Ireland.  My membership ran out today and I have tried to purchase the standard membership but the option is not available to me.  I have never bought any other meme...

sn by Newcomer
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Internet Settings for HomTom HT17 (Fusion 2)

Hi, I am having trouble getting mobile date on a new android Fusion 2. The tweeker will not work, it tell me my phone is a HomTom HT17, even though it is a Fusion 2. I have tried the generic setting to no avail. Please help!

Network down

Living in Co.Meath..Cannot get any coverage..Is the network down?

marcya by Newcomer
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Internet not working again

My internet will work fine after configuring my phone and then it won't and I'll have to configure it again .it has happend a few times not and is getting v annoying plz help

kevc013 by Newcomer
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Network down

I'm not getting any coverage anywhere? Constantly saying no service?

This is the phone you are not allow to call?

When I dial some lanelines begins with 1535 or cell phone with 07412 it ruturns me this is not allowed to call.I do now know why?I have 6 euros in account and enough landline/call time left.

Anon by Not applicable
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Data not working with correct internet settings

My data hasn't been working for the last few days even with the correct internet settings for my device. I put my sim in another phone to double check that it was a network problem and it is.

Signing in

Well, I've signed in 48 and gotten a membership and all of that stuff. I bought a €10 a month plan and I want to go onto 'my 48' to see how I'm doing. I'm able to sign into my account and check all my info on there website but with the app, every tim...

norah12 by Newcomer
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