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After a week my phone still wont work

Hi, is there anyone out there who can help me, or had anything like this happen to them??I set up my account with 48 last Sat. and payed in my first €10 which went into my new account grand. I then logged in the 6 digit registration code, it then ask...

Anon by Not applicable
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Can't use my membership

I used up all my call minute in my membership & today I renewed the member ship but it won't be active until the current one runs out in the 28th of this month! I need to be able to make calls now I need my phone & can't use it & as iv just spent my ...

sjd by Newcomer
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I purchased credit before my membership finished and now it says I've to buy more after I just bought the membership 3 days ago?

Internet Not Working !!!!

My internet is not working on my new iphone 5s !! I have bought 5GB of internet yesterday and I followed all of the internet settings provided !!! what should I do ??? I really need the internet to work !!!


I think it's due to your incompetency because every other network treat it as a free number. Otherwise you should have call it for proper investigation. Is a free conference call number.


My card is denied and can't enter my security card when there is money on the card . I topped up plenty of times putting the security code in but never processed .


I recently got a huawei ascend g6 and the internet isn't working after typing in the generic settings on the 48, website although I might have done that wrong. Please help