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The Don

Not applicable

I cannot purchase the Don can someone help! I can't pay my membership for the month i have tried everything helppppp!!


Can you clarify how you are trying to topup your credit balance and/or buy membership and what goes wrong when you do this - e.g. error messages etc. As mentioned above a stopgap measure may be to topup your credit balance by voicher and buy stuff by text - see here:


Hope this helps.

I am not a 48 employee - if you need to contact 48 support you can do so by chat, email ( or phone.

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Rock Star


Hi hugert1


So have you tried purchasing a 48 Topup Voucher? There are available from any retail outlet that supports payzone... I've found most larger petrol stations have them even without payzone...


Can you post back? 


Smiley Happy



Can you clarify how you are trying to topup your credit balance and/or buy membership and what goes wrong when you do this - e.g. error messages etc. As mentioned above a stopgap measure may be to topup your credit balance by voicher and buy stuff by text - see here:


Hope this helps.

I am not a 48 employee - if you need to contact 48 support you can do so by chat, email ( or phone.