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Forum Posts

Old & New Sim No Service iPhone 5C

I Recently got a new iPhone 5, I unlocked it and popped my friends Meteor sim in it and it worked perfectly yet when I popped in my old 48 sim that I cut I was getting no bars and I still had 3G so I got a Replacement iPhone 5c Sim And It's The Same ...

ethanb by Newcomer
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So i purchased the guido yesterday (14/12/15) and im having issues using my data, technically my internet works but its only using 2g speeds, i live in dundalk which does have 3g because i checked it so its kind of frustrating especially since i paid...

hang tough

Hi, Im new to 48. I activated my sim Saturday night and I am still being told to hang tough. How long will I be hanging as I really need to be able to use this sim and top up asap! Thanks for any help

edellio by Newcomer
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Have an issue with my phone and nobody is answering my questions

Hi community people... I have a BIG problem, my phone doesn't work for the past 4 days and the 48 agents don't respond anymore to any of my queries...I moved from three back to 48, bringing my number with me, I paid my memebership, added Add-ons, cau...

Anon by Not applicable
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internet not working and settings

ok so, i have a BLU Win HD, this phone is not listed in the tweaker thing, so what settings can i use??? secondly, beside my signal bar there is an "E" and people say its the technology inbetween 2g and 3g? but i still cannot use my data, since i pai...

Resolved! 3G not working

I have the HTC M8 and I recently just changed to 48 network, everything is working fine except for the 3g, ove tried following instrucions in other members questions but nothing seems to be working, my data roaming is also on please help

iMessage disabled

My iMessage isn't working with my 48 number idk what happened bc it was working before!


I have like loads of 48 accounts and a while ago i topped up €10 and now i cant find which account i did,so can u help?

Activation code

Hi I have new ph and my activation code will not work said Iust contact you guys can you help ?

Anon by Not applicable
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Paid twice for my subscription

Hi guys...just looked at my bank statement and it seems that ive paid twice for my subscription and it also shows in my history.My end date is the 4th of january so im wondering will i get the extra month added when my existing sub runs out in jan......

xboxpro by Newcomer
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