Setting iPhone 4S for internet and picture messaging
How do I set up my iPhone 4S for internet and picture messaging
How do I set up my iPhone 4S for internet and picture messaging
Hi, I recently bought an iPhone 7 plus and the 3G is not working on it, can anyone help me or send me the settings?Thanks
My mobile data is on but saying disconnected, I have f
Hi, I'm thinking of leaving 48 so I can get 4G. When will 48 be thinking of setting it up?
Hi I activated my sim but it still says no service . Can anyone advise please
I've not been able to use internet since 8 o clock this morning but my phone shows 2-4 bars of 3G and I've over 400 mb left on my ac , using iPhone 6sThanks Noel,
Purchased the 100 mins of EU calls add-on It didnt work for me in Spain (madrid) whatsover.. 90% I had no signal. The other 10% toggled between multiple spanish providers and still unable to make a call. Fairly irritating
If I buy a €3 /1gb internet top up half way through this months membership does it carryover into next months membership, like the roaming top ups?
I'm a heavy internet user
HelloI have moved my no. from meteor to 48 today and already bought a membership. After the they finished to move my no. I complately lost connection and cant call, text or use internet(i already configured it). I dont have connection on 2 different ...