Resolved! getting calls abroad
Does anyone know how much it costs to recieve calls when youre abroad?
Does anyone know how much it costs to recieve calls when youre abroad?
my membership hasnt run out but if i send a message it keep saying failed and if i call someone its says turn call barrinf off but i dont no how too?
ive tried all this with my samsung galaxy ace 2 gt18160 still no internet working, this is 3 days going on. every time i turn off and on teh phone, it sends me configuration settings.. still no internet though.. not what i expected from this network ...
I thought my phone was stolen so I got my sim inactivated but I found my phone again so how can I reactivate it
hello!!!how can i order new sim ?i have iphone now and i cut my sim and now i will change my phone i need normal regular sim
l requst you on 20 may 2013 my 30 ur balance addgest in my mounthley mumber ship my phon is not working l am wating last 3 dayes you promise you solve my problin 24 hours plese
Hello my name is Emily Wicks, my mobile number is [removed private details]. I have just bought the don tariff which is €20 but it still is showing that i am on a standard tariff. Can someone please help me? Thank you
Their is no apn on my phone
cant get the net or mms to work on my Alcatel onetouch... gneric not working either
I have type in all the settings correctly and the 3G will still not work. I also turned on the data roaming and it still hasn't worked. Any ideas?