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Forum Posts

Resolved! No longer on Guido

Hi, I got the Guido deal last month and it worked, but now I topped up and texted monthly to 1745 and it has given me the standard deal, so I dont get internet anymore, which is all I want it for. Can you please reset my deal to the Guido. Or does an...

Resolved! settings

hi i have the samsung galaxys s4 and i got the don 20 euro top up my free calls and messages are working but my internet isnt working maybe you need to send me the internet setttings

Anon by Not applicable
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Resolved! account deactivated!!!! HELP

my phone got stolen at the start of august, i only got my new phone and new 48 sim card today as i was working abroad when it was stolen. no i go into put in the code that came with my 48 sim and it says my account has been deavtivated register a new...


I can't make a phone call

yorkie by Newcomer
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Resolved! Sim Card - Blackberry

Hi, Just wondering can you guys tweak my account my phone number seems to be coming up unknown on my account? Much Appreciated,

Anon by Not applicable
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settings pin

Im trying to access my security code but I can't access my messages because my phone keeps looking for my settings pin.  How do I access this?

Anon by Not applicable
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Internet is not working again???? Srcond time this month!!!

Hi, I have samsung S3 mini and my mobile internet is down all day for no reason. I have the Don till 18/08/2013 and I still have 4.26GB of data available to me but its not working. I have checked my settings its all fine. APN been checked so its some...

usern by Newcomer
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Resolved! moving my number...2 phones

ok so ive got a little conundrum on my hands. I have 2 phones with 2 separate neworks.  One is already 48 and the other vodafone.  I want to move my vodafone number to the other phone thats 48.  Will this be possible?? ps. i want to stop using my pho...

Anon by Not applicable
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Resolved! phone wont send pictures

hi my phone can recieve pictures but wont send them i have an ace galaxy and i think my settings are right i have credit so i dont know why this is if anyone can help thanks Sandra

sandytj by Newcomer
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