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Iphone 5s

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Hi guys,


Just wondering I'm ordering the new iPhone 5s on Friday and I'm just wondering has anyone else been able to get there hands on one yet and if so have they had or do you think I will have any problems with it when I use my 48 sim. I've had never ending back luck iPhones and 48 yet the phone is awesome and so is the network so feedback would be much appreciated 🙂





Rock Star

Very good question! the one thorn here is 4G - 48 runs off the 02 you see where i'm going with this...

Basically if 02 run LTE 4G, no problem 🙂 otherwise... 😞

Rock Star

The Legend
The Legend

@stephen2061 wrote:

I've had never ending back luck iPhones and 48 

What sort of problems? Sometimes it's necessary to activate the iPhone with the 48 SIM by syncing with iTunes and having credit to send the required UK SMS but I believe that this should be a once off process and otherwise the iPhone should just work.


I don't think that 48 supports 4G yet but even if it doesn't that should not stop you from using the new iPhone.

I am not a 48 employee - if you need to contact 48 support you can do so by chat, email ( or phone.

Not applicable


As I said I've yet to buy the new iPhone but i just wanted to find out a bit more information before I did. The last iPhone I had i couldnt get the iMessage working after talking to several Apple Customer Care advisors and in the process forking out €40 in the process and also with the 48 customer care team before it dawned on one the lads to tell me that I need credit, 25c if i remember correctly to send the UK SMS activation message you mentioned there. Also as result of this I had to reset all my settings and back it up via iTunes and basically i was going in circles for about two months. A month after this problem was resolved my iPhone was stolen, hence me buying this new one. Apple had forgot to mention to make sure i had turned back on te settings in order for the phone to be located via the Find My iPhone app. So that was €500 down the drain. And all of it could have been avoided if someone could have copped to tell me about the UK SMS charge a bit sooner. Sooooo this time around I want to make sure everything will go right before I actually buy this new iPhone.


P.S. Sorry for the essay but this is a sore subject for me haha

I don't understand - how did €500 go down the drain?!?

All the stuff about activating iPhones with 48 SIMs, iTunes sync, needing credit to send the UK SMS, iMessage etc. is documented in the FAQs and forum.

I don't see why the new iPhone would not work on 48 (barring 4G features) but if you're worried then maybe ask 48 support directly or wait for somebody else to post their own first hand experiences.

I am not a 48 employee - if you need to contact 48 support you can do so by chat, email ( or phone.

Not applicable

Because I had only bought the phone for 500 euro a few months prior? Surely you've heard the expression of 'money going down the drain'? But yeah as for this new iPhone hoefully it'll work 🙂

Not applicable

Oh and at the time that information wasn't documented in the forums or FAQ's

@stephen2061 wrote:

Because I had only bought the phone for 500 euro a few months prior? Surely you've heard the expression of 'money going down the drain'? But yeah as for this new iPhone hoefully it'll work 🙂

Are you saying that the iPhone never worked on 48 at all? That should not be the case.

I am not a 48 employee - if you need to contact 48 support you can do so by chat, email ( or phone.

Rock Star
Hey stephen2061

There's sure no harm covering all basis when parting with that kind of cash...

I have my beady eye on the new Nexus too - the 4G thing to me, well its like owning a new Porshe GT - but being towed with a truck... if you get my meaning!

Yes we can still use these models on 48... just not the way there marketed...

That's just my opinion!

I've had a few tech glitches after joining 48... not major, but i understand when you say you want to be sure of big spends.

Really interested to hear from you when you get your iphone... do report back!
