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I'm in Berlin and have no access to data

The Legend
The Legend

Unfortunately many people seem to be having problems with roaming data and even just basic network connectivity lately. There are many threads about this. Some with suggestions on how to fix it but no failsafe solution as far as I can see. One issue may be that 48 only seems to work on 3G while roaming abroad and in some countries 3G connectivity is very limited or unavailable. The only thing that I can suggest is that you contact 48 support. But unfortunately others say that even they haven't been that helpful in terms of solving roaming problems...

I am not a 48 employee - if you need to contact 48 support you can do so by chat, email ( or phone.

I followed all the instructions from the agent. To no avail. Agent signed off and left me high and dry. This is not the first time thus has happened. So I now know 48 just doesn't work abroad. 10gig roaming is a fallacy. Worst customer service I have ever experienced.

It's a joke to suggest that a reply has been accepted as a solution. The problem is widespread and continual.

Having the same issue in Poland - changed to 48 during 2020 and mnie travelling again. I have my husband & teens on 48 so will need to change in advance of the summer holidays.

I'm just back from Italy.  I had no data over there for the week - but I had calls and texting.  I followed all the instructions from the agent - in changing my APN - and that left me with still no data, and now no calls or texts.   I reset my APNs to the default and got back calls and texting.    The agent said he didn't know why this was happening and apologized for the inconvenience... and that was it...


What's more annoying is that now that I've arrived back in Ireland, my SIM doesn't see the 48 network so I've no signal ( duplicate of But that's a different matter... 

The APN really shouldn't have any effect one way or another on calls and texts so the fact that you say it did seems very odd.


With regard to no network connection on return to Ireland I wonder if there's anything useful here?


I am not a 48 employee - if you need to contact 48 support you can do so by chat, email ( or phone.

hi Dalyer - thanks for the pointer.    I'd forgotten I'd used that page when I was abroad.     I went to as you suggested, and then followed this part which was relevant and which worked:


"Once you arrive back in Ireland your handset should reconnect automatically to your 48 home service but if it doesn’t then just follow the below 


Open 48 Sim Menu >> When abroad >> Network selection >> Automatic"


Yay!  Thanks for your help in pointing that out.  Whew!





>>The APN really shouldn't have any effect one way or another on calls and texts so the fact that you say it did seems very odd.

Indeed.   I had followed the instructions on the above page re "Unable to Use data while roaming?"   and I must have entered those APN details 4 or 5 times to no avail with no impact on anything (ie my calls, texts still worked but data did not).  The agent asked me to remove the existing APNs and add one with just the following:

Name- 48 Internet


...and that's when my texts stopped working.

I was in Germany recently and no mobile data access. Basically IN Germany 3g has been switched off so you only get the old E network - next to useless. 48 do not allow 4g roaming so if you are travelling in a country without 3g then you are unfortunately high and dry.

Yup, Germany has no more 3G (to free up capacity) so you are stuck with 2G with max speed of 384Kbps. Most other European countries will also shut down 3g so you will see a lot more complaints here with people only getting 2G speeds.

Lets just hope the extension of EU law 'roam like it's home' will force 48month to offer 4G in other EU countries too.