7 hours ago
- last edited
7 hours ago
I was in Tenerife for 7 days recently. For the first time I was able to use my phone to make and receive calls back to Ireland. However, will I could not call from What's App or send/receive messages via hotel Wi-Fi. In other words, I had on internet on my phone in hotel or moving around and unable to use google maps. Then on return to Dublin, problem changing back phone to home. No other network gives these problems. Any help would be appreciated.
7 hours ago - last edited 7 hours ago
For roaming issues the usual advice applies:
Unfortunately many people still seem to have problems with roaming abroad on 48 for some reason.
If your SIM predates January 2023 then a replacement may mitigate or eliminate roaming problems:
It may be worthwhile reviewing these two threads in case any of the suggestions help to avoid roaming problems:
If you have returned to Ireland from roaming abroad and are having problems using the 48 network/calls/texts/mobile data then see this key post, in particular the section titled "Returned Home?":
If you still have problems then you'll probably need to contact 48 support for further assistance.
See the links in my signature below.