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AIB app not working


Aib app won't work


The Legend
The Legend

What exactly isn't working?

What exactly are you trying to do and what goes wrong?

Any error messages?

In general, whether or not a particular app works on your phone has nothing to do with 48.

I would suggest that you contact AIB customer support about AIB app issues.

I am not a 48 employee - if you need to contact 48 support you can do so by chat, email ( or phone.

I also have this issue where AIB won't allow login over 48 mobile data but will with any other mobile network or WiFi.

Actually after logging in via WiFi and switching back to data and logging out and back in, it worked on 48 data now

Sounds like an issue with the app and not with 48 mobile data.

I am not a 48 employee - if you need to contact 48 support you can do so by chat, email ( or phone.