20-02-2015 12:15 AM
Hey i was ropped into joining vodefone and after about a week of waiting for my phone to switch (and my 48 plan expired)i had no option but top up a 10er with 48 as i needed to make calls and texts.
Anyways , a futher week later ,my phone switched today , however i want to return to 48 and is it possible to use my old sim card(aint broke dont fix it) and returns to yous.
Also, becuase ive seen the light, is there anyways to reinstate the remiaining days on my plan.
20-02-2015 09:49 AM
You'll need to contact 48 support directly to ask them about this.
You may be able to reuse your old SIM.
But I doubt that you will get the "lost" membership days reinstated.
Hope this helps.