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Forum Posts

Resolved! Phone Number

My phone number still hasn't changed over from meteor and it's been two weeks?

evancn7 by Newcomer
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SIM with no service

Hi,I was away for a few months and just returned today. My SIM won't work. I topped up today and registered for the guido. I have been in contact with 48 and they gave me 4 or 5 suggestions but nothing has worked and they haven't replied to me since,...

Resolved! S6

Hi, can i have the Internet settings for a Galaxy s6, thanks

Over charged

To whom it concerns,I was overcharged for my last subscription. I paid €10 and 48 withdrew €20 from my account.I have the proof in my bank details if needs be. I would appreciate if this problem was rectified immediately and 48 reimbursed me with €10...

Internet Dungarvan area

Experiencing problems in Dungarvan area with Internet and making calls anyone else having this issue?

wobs by Visitor
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