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Forum Posts

Resolved! Credit

I've got a new sim and registered it but this is my first time getting credit with this sim. I topped up and hour to an hour and a half ago but it won't let me send text messages and ring people and it does say I have €10. I have an iPhone4 just to l...

Resolved! I want a sim

i keep ordering a sim but it wont work? can you send me one? thanks

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Resolved! LG E610 internet settings

I use an LG E610, the generic internet settings do not match up to what input options I have on my phone, the options I have in the 'add vpn network' option areNameTypePPTPServer addressPPP encryption (MPPE) (there is a check box as an option for thi...

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48 block customer's log on access for making a valid complaint

48months.ie  block customer's log on access for making a valid complaint !!!! I thought 48months.ie were a reputable company, who offered great deals, untill all of a sudden they suspended my account due to a payment error not of my making....... whi...

Anon by Not applicable
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Resolved! Cannot register replacement sim

I am switching from an iPhone 4 to an iPhone 5, I have a micro sim active on my account, I didn't want to deactivate my sim while i was waiting to get my nano sim so I ordered a new sim, I have the nano sim now but when I login to my 48 account and g...

Anon by Not applicable
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Resolved! Screwed up messages

Hi there,I've been a 48 customer for around 2 years now and have loved it, never had any problems. Until recently my phone has gone cracked. Sometimes when i send a message it will fail to send for no reason (I have full signal) and then when i resen...

my number still wont work!!

i recently moved from vodafone to 48 and my number still not workin and its been 2 weeks now cnt call or recive it say network not registerd!!...and my getting annoyed every single day cze m foneless and dont knw how times ive e-mailed thm n  yet thi...

Anon by Not applicable
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Resolved! Problem with e-mail access

Hi,The e-mail address I provided for registration has been locked. I can't recieve the registration code. Is there a way to have the message forwarded to my new address?Thanks

Anon by Not applicable
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Resolved! Barred can u fix it

Hi I was barred till 14th September then I topped up today but It still comes up barred can u help please