Resolved! Unlock Sim
I've registered sim but each time I turn on phone it asks me to unlock the sim, I can do this by using PIN 1: but do I have to do this each time?
I've registered sim but each time I turn on phone it asks me to unlock the sim, I can do this by using PIN 1: but do I have to do this each time?
Hi i just put 10 in my phone for the guido membership and its coming up paid on my account but i still cant make free calls ??
purchased the don and internet not working on my device?? help please??
Hi, Internet is not working on my Huawai Y6 phone. All settings are correct. What to do? Eva
HiI’m in Indonesia for 2 weeks, how much does it cost per minute to receive calls abroad? Or is there any deal which covers this?ThanksDenise
Hi My name is Alis. A couple month ago I had and accident with my, and I had to replace my phone. Since the accident my mobile date is not working on my phone. I got a brand new phone but my mobile data is still not working. I move my sim card into...
My phone was stolen. I have received a new sim and would like to keep my old number. However I do not have my old sim to receive security code to do this??
I was receiving no service today and so I took my sim out and in again. When I put my password back in to unlock my sim, it says waiting but never does anything. I am now locked out of my sim. Can you help?
Hey, i tried to pay for my membership for a next month via phone, but after card payment it pop-up the same membership expired note. Money has been charged from my acc. Please help. Polednik