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Can't make calls and internet doesn't work

I got my 48 sim yesterday, but I wanted to keep my number so they didn't get the option of choosing the guido membership (the one I want). It takes up to 3 hours to move the number to 48. But my number is already moved because I can receive calls.
When I sign in to pay my membership this message is displayed:

"Hang tough: we are moving your number to 48
It can take up to three hours to move your number to 48. When you lose your old network signal pop your new 48 SIM in your phone.
Unlock your phone
Make sure your phone is unlocked otherwise your 48 SIM won’t work in it.
48 unlock guide "

But my number is already moved and there's nothing else I can do. I click "refresh" but nothing happens.

Can somebody help me please??

The Legend
The Legend

Several people have reported problems like this with accessing the memberhsip payment/renewal pages when logging into their accounts. All I can suggest is that you contact 48 support directly about this and hopefully they can sort it out soon.


How to get help


Hope this helps.

I am not a 48 employee - if you need to contact 48 support you can do so by chat, email ( or phone.

I'll do that. Thanks a lot