I intend switching my father to 48 but he has a tiny Nokia 2720 phone which I think will be impossible to use while configuring etc. Would it be possible to use a different smartphone to switch & then transfer the configured SIM into his phone?
Couldn't get into Google at all when setting up phone yesterday- Untrusted Connection message. Sorted it by putting in correct date & time on the phone.
Have done the APN- 3 times under Data Settings, Message Settings and Tethering settings. However when I go to Google to log into 48 I am getting an Untrusted Connection message & it will not allow me connect with any site.
Hi yes I meant to configure the phone. Apparently the APN needs to be changed when switching to 48. I am hoping not to have to do it manually as it is a tiny screen. So I guess I have to configure the phone that will be using the 48 sim.card?