09-10-2013 07:24 PM
anyone enlighten me as to why can't i ring northern mobiles? i want an add on that allows me to do so as my family and friends live n england and northern ireland, please help 🙂 cheers
09-10-2013 09:39 PM
I think that NI mobile calls are treated as international mobile calls and thus charged from your credit balance. So you probably need credit to cover the cost (50c/min):
NI landline calls are also treated as international calls unless dialed with the 048 prefix:
There is no add-on to cover international calls. They are always charged from your credit balance.
Hope this helps.
04-11-2013 04:06 PM
Can't call england. I'm told that I haven't enough credit but my account shows 6euro. If international calls are charged at 50c/min then why am I told that I don't enough credit for this call?
04-11-2013 08:19 PM
04-11-2013 08:20 PM