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international minutes not working


Hi. I just paid €3.50 for international minutes. When i call an o2 number in Northern Ireland i get the message saying I have no minutes.


In my 48 it says they are there.


Any ideas.


The Legend
The Legend

There is no international calls bundle add-on.

What you bought is an EU roaming calls add-on which is only of use if you are abroad roaming in EU countries.


Going abroad


International calls are always charged from your cash credit balance (50c per minute to Europe including UK/NI). If you don't have cash credit then you can't make international calls.


Other call charges


If you call NI using the 048 prefix rather than 0044 then your membership bundled landline call minutes may cover the call - I'm not sure but try it maybe?


Hope this helps. 

I am not a 48 employee - if you need to contact 48 support you can do so by chat, email ( or phone.