14-09-2013 08:24 PM
i forgot to change my number before i put in my credit... if i change my number now will i loose my credit?
16-09-2013 03:51 PM
Are you sure about that? I thought the (potential) problem was initiating the porting process and then topping up or buying membership/add-ons WHILE it was in progress? However I didn't think that there was any problem with topping up/buying stuff while on the 089 number and then initiating a porting request. Aoife - my understanding is that you should have no problem here but maybe confirm that with 48 support before doing anything...
Hope this helps.
18-09-2013 01:12 PM
Yeah definitely.
Yeah ive gone into my cellular data network and they seem to be blank and my data roaming is turned off.
Oh well as long as it keeps working its cool.
18-09-2013 01:53 PM
Seems a bit odd.
Are you sure you're not on wifi when using the internet on the phone?
If it works well and good but it seems odd that it would when the settings are not configured...
18-09-2013 02:06 PM
Hah yep my wifi is turned off, Im not that stupid
I cant understand it either .
There were no Vodafone settings in there when I looked either though, just blank.
18-09-2013 05:56 PM
@mdwexford wrote:Hah yep my wifi is turned off, Im not that stupid
Not saying you're stupid but some people would not realise that you'd need to switch it off when in range of a wireless LAN to force the phone to use the carrier data connection. I sometimes even forget myself when I'm testing stuff!