Hi my name is Billy im going to America just wondering what do I do with my phone for credit
Hi my name is Billy im going to America just wondering what do I do with my phone for credit
I have my membership paid and I have internet usuage left, but my 3G is not working at all, I have rebooted the phone taken out the sim and everything!
Was on holidays and when came home internet won't work..checked all settings and all ok help what should I do.thanks Damien
Hi bought the don on the 30th of may. Have it on my bank statement but it was never applied to my account. Can someone please have a look into this thank you
My phone keeps roaming and I can't fix it. Just went for 10 euro membership and I can call and text but it shows im on roaming and I can't use internet
I need to change my debit card details
If I buy an internet add on will left over internet be carried over to next months top up. Like right now I just ran out of internet and I will be automatically topped up in two days but I need internet tomorrow and hate paying 3 euro if its only for...
I have been unabable to connect to 48 for two days now. It says the service is unavailiable. Help please?