14-12-2013 09:49 PM
I have a NanoSIM I made myself for my iPhone 5 early in 2013. I cut it with a scissors (...yeah I know) and it has worked fine. But I want to get a proper NanoSIM now.
I contacted Help and submitted a ticket, asking how to get it and how much it would disturb my use of my existing number. We all know there will be SOME outages and issues. There always are.
Despite asking twice, the help guys have completely ignored my concern and just keep sending me stock replies. One of the reason why 48 has such an abysmal reputatin among people I know in college for customer service.
Can someone tell me what to expect ?
15-12-2013 12:39 AM
18-12-2013 08:14 PM
1amcn - thanks for that.
I got my replacement sim today and just went through the registration process. Was back in operation within the 10 minutes they promised. Excellent!!! I was concerned it might be overnight.
Thanks for the info that the help peope should have given.
18-12-2013 08:49 PM