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No SMPP Connection with 48

Hi all,

New user here to 48 and to date have loved the experience of swapping over. To date everything has gone smoothly and I have been waiting for that "catch" as such of a "cheap option". Sadly as I found out this evening that 48 do not offer a SMPP connection, so when I do online banking and want to add a new bill or person to pay I would normally have to enter a security code which Bank of Ireland will text me - which I can no longer receive from Bank of Ireland due to 48 not supporting a SMPP connection. So I ask myself do I get this security code by post (takes 3 days sometimes) or switch back to Three??? Has anyone else come across this problem and found a solution? 

One of my reasons for switching to 48, after the excellent value was the fact I could donate 5GB of data each month to the food cloud, helping the environment and feeding someone in need. This is a great idea, well done 48! The idea of having to receive more physical post for a silly code each time I want to add and pay someone online just seems like a waste of time & resources and a move away from better environmental impacts - digital code verus a paper version.

What are the solutions, change phone provider, bank, go snail mail, give up paying my bills (this one I like)? 48 are you listening?

I don't want to rag but also offer suggestions, such as;
Are 48 going to include a SMPP option in the future? If so at what cost? (I would pay for it).
Could there be an add-on option paid for each month or just when needed?
Are 48 planning to clearly advertise that their membership DO NOT have SMPP included before people like muggins here swaps over? Transparency is key to fighting those ill feelings brought on by those great "ah that's the catch" moments.

Thanks for listening to my silly rant and maybe someone else out there has come up against this small snag and has some enlightening inputs.  

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