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iPhone tethering with iOS7


Hi. I've been using the Person Hotspot feature (a.k.a WiFi tethering) with my iPhone 4 on 48 for a long time. I know the Ts & Cs don't allow it, but 48 seem to have "unofficially" supported it. Then I upgraded from iOS6 to iOS7 and tethering stopped working. There are lots of threads on other sites about how Apple decided to knobble users and carriers who don't have official agreements with them about tethering. I wish I'd seen any of them before I upgraded. Apparently Apple feel justified in killing features on your carrier unlocked phone, which you paid for. Anyway, in the forlorn hope that this is just a hiccup and that iPhone tethering is still semi-supported with 48 under iOS7, I thought I'd check if anyone has any experience of this issue. I have tried the "fixes" recommended on various sites, to no avail.

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