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Can't get membership

I bought the guido yesterday and it hasn't registered yet? The money is gone from my bank account but I still have no credit, what's that all about ?

The Legend
The Legend

What does your online account say about:


  • current membership type
  • current membership expiry date
  • next membership type (if applicable)
  • next membership start date (if applicable)

Remember that if you buy a new membership it doesn't start immediately if you have a current membership which still has time of its normal monthly period left to run. In that case the new membership stacks to kick in when the current membership has run its normal monthly course and expires. Buying a new membership doesn't prematurely terminate a current membership.


If you use up current membership allowances then you need to buy add-ons to tide you over until the end of the membership month.


Hope this helps.

I am not a 48 employee - if you need to contact 48 support you can do so by chat, email ( or phone.