07-02-2014 09:42 PM
I have never experienced this kind of trouble with ANY sort of technology before and I am absolutely DISGUSTED with the lack of help on 48's end.
I switched from meteor to 48 2 days ago and had my i phone 4 unlocked and I still have NO SERVICE on my 48 sim!!!
DONT tell me to RESTORE my phone, I have done this 3 times
DONT ask me to restore my network settings that has also been done
I have SYNCED it with i tunes
I have put in a vodaphone sim and it has worked with that
When I try ringing my phone nothing happens and it says my phone is unavailable
I have contacted apple and they were more than helpful
I have gone into meteor and my number has been fully transfered
So will SOMEONE PLEASE explain to me what the hell is going on and who is going to SOLve this problem for me once and for ALL
11-02-2014 12:48 AM