12-07-2017 10:36 AM
12-07-2017 11:45 AM
What exactly do you mean by "topped up" here?
Membership purchase?
Add-on purchase?
Cash credit balance topup?
What does your My 48 account page say about your current membership status and expiry date?
Does it list any "next" membership and start date?
What about your allowance balances and cash credit balance?
What does your My History page say about recent payments/purchases?
If you bought a new membership and it has started yet then could it be because your current membership has not yet expired?
Memberships always last a full month even if you have used up your membership allowances.
In that case you need to buy topups and not a new membership in order to use the relevant services.
Buying a new membership does not terminate a current one before the membership month is up.
The new membership will "stack" to kick in when the current membership eventually expires.
Hope this helps.
12-07-2017 02:28 PM
Did that help at all @rita?