20-07-2018 05:14 AM
Im trying to buy for the last few hours and when I submit my payment details like normal, it says this error in red writing:
There has been an error submitting your payment
What is this issue? Can you please fix it or tell me what im supposed to do to get around this issue?
20-07-2018 09:28 AM
20-07-2018 11:49 AM
08-04-2020 11:56 PM
The shop don't give refunds after you leave the shop as tryed topping you in the shop but got sorry we are having difficultys at moment so what was I to think and if I was aware you could only buy online I'd of went down that road so if not even had one minute phone call wasted€30 euro and still no working phone vary vary disappointed in the way customer care service is here is of never ordered any chips for my family and the €20 voucher what number it go on to them so if you don't mind helping me plz what a wast of money !!!!!!!!!?
09-04-2020 12:14 AM
10-04-2020 01:04 PM
Did that help at all @gilford4 ?
11-04-2020 06:47 PM
11-04-2020 07:06 PM
11-04-2020 11:18 PM
13-04-2020 01:56 PM