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Xmas Cracker comp

Crew (retired)
Crew (retired)

What do you call a blind dinosaur? A doyouthinkhesawus


It’s that time of year again… We’re starting to get into the Christmas spirit.


But a lot of you probably can’t start the Xmas boozing & eating fest just yet…  some have the wonderful semester 1 exams to overcome first! How about some Xmas Crackers to keep us in the Xmas spirit?


What do you call two happy mushrooms? Fun guys

What fur do we get from a tiger? As fur as possible

And the list goes on…


What’s your  best Xmas Cracker? Best one gets a shamefully amazing Xmas jumper.



Xmas Cracker Comp


Comp starts: 9th December 2013

Comp closes: 17th December 2013


**** TIME'S UP! Comp has closed now, check out the winner here! ****



What to do?

  1. Post your best Xmas cracker joke in this thread
  2. Find out the winner in this same thread by coming back to check on the evening of 17th December
  3. Wear your new Christmas jumper! Oh wait - only one winner will get it so make your entry the best (or the worst!) as you can.

Comp rules

  • You can only enter once (you're welcome to comment and Kudos other entries though!)
  • 1 winner will be selected by 48 based on which entry is considered the BEST
  • Your entry is valid only if you post before we announce the winner on the 17th Dec
  • Keep your post clean, really offensive stuff will be removed.


  • 1 x Christmas jumper!


Good luck!


Not applicable

What do snowmen eat for breakfast?

Snowflakes     🙂     Hahaha

Q: Why did the plane crash?
A: Because the pilot was a loaf of bread.


Who delivers presents to cats?
Santa Paws!

Not applicable

Why is it so hard to explain Christmas cracker puns to kleptomaniacs?

Becuase they always take things, literally. 


Which famous singer came from the North Pole?

Elf-ish Presley! Smiley Tongue

Not applicable

What do you call a one-eyed dinosaur?

A Doyouthinkhesawus! 


Went to the zoo the other week, but all that was there was a dog... was a Shih Tzu



Not applicable
What’s ET short for?
Because he’s only got little legs
Same as me.. Smiley Very Happy

Why did Santa's helper see the doctor? Because he had a low "elf" esteem!

What does a clock do when it's hungry ??
It goes back 4 seconds