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Slow roaming speed in Germany - switch to other provider?


Usually I am in Germany every other week. However, due to covid, I only get there now about once or twice a year. That is the reason that I only noticed last week (first week of December 2021) that for Germany, in the Frankfurt area, you basically have "no" internet services coverage! 

When left on 4G/3G/2G auto, my mobile phone never connected to a provider. Only once I switched to "3G/2G Only", it found the local "big ones" (I think it was Vodafone and O2). 

But as these providers have ceised to offer 3G cover, you are basically stuck with near analog-modem speeds on 2G. Forget about web browsing, some apps may (or may not) cope with the slow speeds. 


Until before COVID hit, I had a Tesco Mobile contract (also on Three, I know), but I never had experienced these issues. 


so, if you don't consider providing reasonable access in countries where 3G bascially no longer exists (I would be perfectly happy with 3G speeds while roaming, if I get them!) then I will reconsider switching away from you again ...


When will this issue be fixed (e.g. 4G acces in areas where 3G no longer exists?)?



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