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Problems with Roaming - iOS & Android user




I have problems with roaming within EU. Travelled twice to Poland, both times the internet not working. I've tried to


  1. Reset the network
  2. restart the phone
  3. change the APN
  4. change to a different phone(android and IOS)
  5. change setting to international roaming profile
  6. replace my sim after the first trip
  7. went there with another person with 48 sim - both of us have the same problems.

Does any of you have any luck using the internet in Poland? I complained about this on my first trip, the customer support saying maybe the sim problems, so I've replaced them. This time, I've travelled with 2 sims from 48, with the same problems.


Can anyone help? I am getting frustrated with this company now.

Customer service not helpful at all to solve this problem.


Making me regret changing my sim here from Gomo while they were doing €9.99 deal. The reason I change was that it is cheaper of course but the main thing I prefer prepaid because you won’t get bad surprises!

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