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Weird Phobias (anyone else out there?)

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Well hello everyone!
Now today i'm going to be talkin' about some odd phobias. I am troubled by a rather odd one myself, and I'm not lying!
Globophobia, the fear of balloons. I think it's because one burst in my face as a little kid, I don't know but they are HORRIFYING to me 😞

As I was researching that ridiculous fear, I felt a teensy bit better, as i came across several that were just..crazy.
What do you all think?

Lachanophobia- Fear of vegetables
Genuphobia- Fear of knees
Arachibutyrophobia- Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.

There's hundreds more, unfortunately.
Do you have any odd fears? 

Dylan Moran reinacts my pain when a balloon pops:


Crew (retired)
Crew (retired)


Being afraid of balloons bursting in your face is really not that weird, it's actually quite cute 😉 


I'm afraid of eating thick chunks of bacon because I nearly choked on one of those when I was a child. It's a shame, bacon tastes to nice!

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Hahahaha, I hate using "Lol" but I laughed at that XD
Eating huge chunks of bacon? I feel sorry for you that huge chunks of bacon can no longer have a place in your life, bacon is a magical thing, truly 😛

If I could post a massive bacon GIF then i would, but it might terrify you!


Phobias..hmm i am not sure if you can call it a phobia.. But I don't deal well with horror =/ I can watch through gore and bloodshed from a battle scene but not horror and I have no idea why! Even if I know it's not real!!


Actually if you follow Uberfacts on twitter they usually have loads of weird random stuff and often weird phobias too!! 


^ this may explain my horror.. The evil guys..well.. THEY DON'T DIE!! =(

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Don't worry @Kevinoism,

He just wants a cuddle!





..........with an axe.....

Crew (retired)
Crew (retired)


I would love a huge bacon gif, I still like eating bacon, I just can't have it in huge chunks 😉


I have a friend who is terrified of swimming in lakes or in the sea since she's been attacked by a starfish (yes, you heard that one correctly)



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Well here you are, although it's a little too flashy, takes away from the bacon I do think!

aaaaaaaahh i LOVE supernatural 😄
And of course Patrick Starfish!
Haven't been able to watch it in ages but after these exams i'm totally gonna get back to where I left off!

Sammy ❤️

That bacon hurts my eyes.. It's as entrancing as Nyan cat -_- 




I'm blinded but not scared by that bacon because it's not chunky 😉


Being scared of balloons bursting and of horror movies is not too weird, guys. My favourite one is still this: Anatidaephobia -  the fear of being watched by a duck 😄




They can be scary...

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hahahah, you'll never look at the ducks the same way I'm afraid!!