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20-08-2013 12:44 PM - edited 20-08-2013 12:45 PM
We were having a chat about this earlier today at 48 towers, and I decided to put together a list of things that wind me up – I don’t have too many ‘off’ days in general, but some things grind my gears, if you get what I mean? Anyhoo, I’ve put a list below of some of the things that came to mind first...
1.) Cyclists holding up lanes of traffic – Men in lycra shorts and with shaved legs!
2.) Bids of £40m + £1 – ‘nuff said
3.) Nathan’s hair - It really is a mess.
4.) People who take too long at bank machines
5.) Moustaches on girls
6.) Jorts (Jean/shorts combo’s) sorry Nathan
7.) Nicholas Cage – get a look at the man, in all his mental glory;
8.) Lists
9.) Bon Jovi - not acceptable, especially when paired up with no’s 3 & 6
There you go - I've given it wings and opened the window... anything you would add to it, then feel free and go ahead...
Remember – a friendship is a lot like peeing yourself – a lot of people may see it, but only you really know how warm it feels… ~ Kev @ the care crew
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20-08-2013 02:25 PM
People who think the bus is their phone booth(!!)
Oh and the folks who still haven't figured out that the standard iphone earplugs are the worst. The people around you hear more of your (mostly embarrassing) music than you do 😕
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31-08-2013 04:38 PM
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01-09-2013 01:47 PM
People who in an 80kmh zone go about 50Kmh the whole way, then when you get to a 50Kmh zone, they speed off!
-County Council workers
-Cyclists on country roads
-Tractors on country roads(and anywhere else for that matter)
-All pop music over the last 5 years
-Badly thought out adverts on TV(really gets me)
-People who are walking in front of you and decide to stop in their tracks, for no apparent reason.
- Attention seekers on facebook (loving " Hope u r OK hun xxx" on facebook, awesome!
-Bad coffee
-Shops who have ran out of Amber Leaf
- People with blaring headphones, not because of the noise, because they will be going deaf in a few years ( I'm a sound engineer so ear care is precious):P
I'm sure there is more. Pheewww I feel a lot lighter now 😉
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03-09-2013 04:47 PM
I'm a cyclist who has to cycle on country roads and let me tell you, the drivers are so mean >_<
I try so hard to keep in the side, but the amount of times a car has whizzed past so close i almost fall off my bike into the bushes! Cyclist actually have the same right as a car on a road too, so it's not nice almost getting killed everytime I cycle!
-People who sneeze into the air, no tissue or anything! Makes me feel so germy 😛
-In my house, my brother has the habit of finishing the carton of milk or juice and leaving it back in the fridge
That sort of carry on makes my blood boil! Nothing worse than making a fresh cup of tea and you go for the milk and its empty. It's quite heartbreaking sometimes
-Abercrombie Yoga Pants.I don't care if they are comfortable, I don't want to see what you're making me see.
-Dogs barking at night. I have two dogs, none of them do this. Why? It's called training.
-When you're on your phone in bed at night and suddenly a moth plummets towards the screen. I can NEVER get used to this, those flappy dust winged creatures of evil
I'm not sure if this venting is making me feel better or more angry.
A bit of both.
Ah well 😉
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03-09-2013 04:54 PM
And Kev, Nicholas Cage's face makes me laugh so much. I tried to watch Kick-Ass the other day and everytime they showed his face I just started laughing.
Wanna know something? If you google "Nicholas Cage's Face On Things" it is the most hilarious thing on the internet. Here let me show you
And last but not least
I give you,
Cage Guevara
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03-09-2013 05:07 PM
I don't know what your problem is, guys, I love his face 😄
And on that note:
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06-09-2013 11:50 AM
Well I thought Nicholas Cage is not sooo bad, I mean he gets a hell of a lot of stink! I guess he is the Nickelback of Hollywood .Obviously I don't think he should be as well known as he is, and his face is quite.. laughable, some emotions are just tragic when he does them XD
But besides the point, What grinds my gears is similar to you guys here,
1- Hollister wearing in general, where people think that it's a fashion. (It's not)
2- As I cycle a lot, many cars think that I have sufficient space and should actually stop for them even when they overtake( And so they sing me the song of their people in the form of a honk..), thankfully the French aren't so ignorant about cyclists..
3-When you go to a store for an offer which is publicised and they tell you it doesn't exist, you persist and finally after ages of waiting for other staff they finally admit to you you are indeed correct.
4-Red tape, so much goddamn red tape. Where if you don't have one thing you can't get the other because you don't have another thing,and it works in a vicious cycle. There is a limit to bureaucracy before it is just a pain.
5-Pedestrians..They are like rabbits on the road, they jump in front of you when you try to swerve to avoid them.
I'm sure there are more but I can't think of any more at the moment =P
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13-09-2013 12:10 PM - edited 13-09-2013 12:11 PM
This Nicolas Cage thing never gets old, did you see this remake of the latest Myley Cyrus video?
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04:28 PM
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05:06 PM
So, there I was - just out for a walk, stretching my legs in Portlaoise (as you do) when I stumbled across a large crowd of people having a right old knees-up in a field! I heard somebody mention something about a Picnic, but I cast that to the back of my mind and slodiered on through the crumpled heaps of bodies scattered all around as far as the eye could see, and moved on, as if drawn towards what can only be described as an ungodly sound emanating from a half-built house on the hill. Then, all of a sudden - I seen him there - taunting me, with his vaccuous gaze, sneering at me from afar! "Is there nowhere that's safe from this man?!" I shouted at the Heavens, waving my fist in disgust at God's cruel joke. For a second, I tried to convince myself that it was something to do with the various cocktails I had taken on the course of my walk, but on rubbing my eyes, I found that his demonic vision still confronted me. There is no escape...