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Favourite Christmas Movie?

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Hey guys! As you all know, unles you're living under a rock, or Louth or something... Tis the season shalalala etc etc 😉

Soooooo, what is your favourite Christmas movie?
I think I'mma go with A Nightmare Before Christmas of course! 

Now, I'm less of a Tim Burton fan nowadays, I find his style quite predictable (same actors, same quirks etc) but I am a huge fan of stop motion so it must be said!

Also, Tim Allen's Santa Clause was always a favourite of mine. But.... if the non-Santa believers didn't believe in Santa... who brought the presents for the kids if the parents didnt? That always confused me as a kid... like "There's no such thing as Santa, but the presents just appear!"
Also, in my parent's house there's a range not a fireplace so when they cleared up the confusion of what happens to places with no fireplaces, it made me very happy as a child!

Now over to you! Christmas favourites?