Crew (retired)
Crew (retired)
since ‎01-05-2013

User Statistics

  • 177 Posts
  • 12 Solutions
  • 28 Likes Given
  • 151 Likes Received

User Activity

  Someone in 48 HQ has just pointed out that it’s 87 days to Christmas, seriously!   We just can’t cope with that fact this morning, and so to distract us we want to know what really grinds your gears? Join the 48 support group and let the rants flo...
  There are a few different errors that can come up when you're trying to buy membership. Have a look below and see if you can figure it out: Remember, when getting in touch with the care crew about an error message, you'll need to include the error....
  There are a few different errors that can come up when you're trying to buy membership. Have a look below and see if you can figure it out: Remember, when getting in touch with the care crew about an error message, you'll need to include the error....
  If you tried to pay your membership and were overcharged, chances are that you’ve accidentally bought more memberships that you meant to.     When you buy a membership it is “queued” in your account and will only kick in once your current membershi...
  If your existing membership is due to expire today it will not run out until close to midnight.   So say your membership is set to expire today it will only expire between 10 PM and 11.59 PM.  If you have bought a new membership today it will be "q...